This is a follow-up to Lesson A of the Thought Bricks Intro Course, The main lessons in the Intro Course were intended to be weekly. I have written “follow up” lessons, such as this one, based on the Thought Bricks teachings. This allows you to either have one original lesson per week and use the follow-ups as mid-week boosters; or stay with one lesson per week and do the Intro Course over 8 weeks. – William M.
Lesson A: Follow Up – How to create Thought Bricks. (You Deserve Better).
You Deserve Better
You have probably come across the idea before that the quality of your thinking shapes the quality of your life. A fundamental part of how you think has to do with who, or what, you think you are. If you have been taught, and have accepted, a very limited idea of who you are, then this will obviously limit how you shape your life. Many who taught you during your formative years may have had very limited ideas about themselves and may have passed on those same limited ideas to you.
This is why Bernard, right at the very start (indeed of the very first lesson) encourages you to look to the God within you. He asks you to look to the source of goodness as being, at least in part, something within yourself. As you change what you believe about yourself to something better, then naturally other aspects of your life will become better. You will believe you deserve better and will be able to allow better experiences in your life.
We cannot allow ourselves to have something we feel we do not deserve. What we feel we deserve depends on how we think of ourselves. As you acknowledge and accept what is good about you, then that part of you will grow and expand. You will put away feelings of being unworthy, or not being deserving, because they do not serve you – they do not serve the deeper and wiser part of you.
How to create Thought Bricks.
Bernard dd not tend to give specific instructions on how to make “Thought Bricks”. In other words, he did not tend to give exact instructions in how you can get the things you want. This was probably because he realised that if a person raises their level of thinking that will tend to create new and better Thoughts Bricks, and better results, in their life anyway.
Everything you think is a ‘Thought Brick’ and is bringing something into your life. It might be your Thought Bricks just keeping bringing you the same things, or similar things, into your life day after day. In this case you don’t notice how much of what you experience is a result of your thinking. However, as you study and practise the lessons your way of thinking will start to change for the better. You will then have the thrill of experiencing that your life starts to change for the better – in line with your new way of thinking.
In essence creating Thought Bricks is simply a process of focussing your thoughts to more of the things you want in life and less on what you do not want. You may wonder how to go about focusing on a very specific thing as a Thought Brick, such as a specific amount of money, a new job, a better lifestyle and so on, There are many ways to do this “correctly” and there are many ways to “get it right”.
The most important thing is that the Thought Bricks you are aiming for needs to be at least “believable” to you. They should not feel far-fetched, or too far out of the scope of what is reasonably possible for you in your current circumstances. Later, as your faith grows. you can go far beyond your current circumstances, but in the beginning its best to start small.
A Thought Bricks Session
It can be very helpful to start a Thought Bricks session by using a saying that appeals to you from one of the lessons: For example, say this to yourself three times.
“Because I am an offspring of the All-Life, of the source of all wisdom and all power, I draw forth peace and confidence and strength.”
This helps you get into the correct mood or correct frame of mind for creating a Thought Brick about something specific.
Also, in a Thought Brick session, you consider a genuine need that you have and spend a few minutes, say 5 minutes, deliberately imagining that you have it already. How will it feel to have this thing, or to be in this new situation? What will be good about it? You can even write yourself some notes about why you want it, which you can read and add to each session. What can be simpler and more natural?
Yet, how much time do many people spend doing the opposite and thinking about what they do not want? Even those who profess to believe in the power of prayer spend much of their time “praying” for things they don’t want because they don’t realise the power of their own mind.
A Thought Brick session is a relaxed and pleasant experience. You are just thinking about something you want and how lovely it will be to have it. Then you put the matter aside till you have another Thought Brick session. Ideally you would have a Thought Brick session at least once a day, however, two or three sessions per day would be even better.
Don’t concern yourself with how things will come to you; focus only on what you want. You just enjoy the good feeling of already having what you want. What could be simpler? Avoid undoing or weakening your thought building by worrying about the matter later in the day. If you do find yourself worrying, then take a few deep breaths and affirm “Because I am an offspring of the All-Life, of the source of all wisdom and all power, I draw forth peace and confidence and strength.” and get busy with something.
Although you don’t concern yourself with how things will come to you, you may get a nudge, or notion, from the All-life to take some kind of action; such as to speak to a certain person or to go to a certain place at a certain time. Act upon such a notions if it is safe to do so. However, these notions can sometimes be caused by an unwillingness to “Let Go and Let God” and by part of our mind interfering. We might be latching onto possible ways that a particular Thought Brick could come to us and trying to force things. If this happens don’t let it bother you, just keep up with your Thought Building and let the results unfold as they may.
The next lesson will be one from Bernard himself.
William M.