The Divine Promises Chart

In this “chart” Bernard offers us a way to understand the divine promises and use an exercise to improve our feeling of being connected with God, through affirming the presence of the Christ. – William

The “Divine Promises” have been puzzling thinking people throughout the ages. For while they speak of love; they speak of wrath. How can the two be reconciled?

It is this way. The divine promises are spoken as the voice of everlasting law. God put this law into action at the beginning of the world, that “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”. This law is just and logical, part of great inheritance of man, who is God’s offspring and heir.

Whatsoever God has “sown” on earth by the power of his divine thought has grown into visible reality. Therefore whatever we “sow”, as offspring and heir of God, comes into visible reality too.

God’s thoughts are infinite; man’s are finite – both operate under the same divinely appointed law. With this knowledge the divine promises are made clear in both their aspects. If evil is sown in thought, evil is “reaped”. If good is sown in thought, good is “reaped”.

How then to turn evil, once “sown” and reaped, into good? By the power of Christ within, the intermediary which saves us from our “sins”. The scripture tells us, “Your life is hide with Christ in God”. This divinely appointed “bridge” between God and man, between God and not-good (or evil) enables that which is not good to become good, that which is not happy to become happy and that which is incurable to become curable.

Now the divine promises become clear and it is seen that there is a perfect connection between these two elements:- “Thy bruise in incurable, the wound grievous”  (Jeremiah, Chapter 30) and “Fear not, I will save thee, I am with thee. I will restore health unto thee, I will heal thee of thy wounds (from same chapter).

The connection is, “Yes, I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness I have drawn thee.” (Jeremiah, Chapter 31).

The power of “sowing and reaping” has been given to us because we are God’s offspring and heir. We are free to sow and reap whatsoever we choose. But always there is this divinely appointed “bridge” between the unknowing and the knowing, the human and the divine. By this bridge (which is called “Christ”) when we unite with it, we are saved from our sins and our foolish sowings and come into a state of completion, of satisfaction, of health.

(It is recommended that the above should be read at intervals and the following method of God-Union practiced often.)

Act of God-Union

See that you are alone and undisturbed for a time and, while breathing deeply and evenly, say musingly within.

“My life is hid with Christ, in God”

Repeat these words several times until you begin to realise the wonder of them, to feel a sense of reverence steal into your being. Then continue.

“By the power of Christ within me, all that is not of God is now being dissolved away.”

Go on breathing deeply, and feeling that God’s perfection is seeping in and through you, like a great light sweeping away darkness and leaving only brightness in its place. Then after a few moments say with happy emphasis.

“God now restores my health unto me. He heals my wounds and turns my sorrow into joy.”

Thus shall you come into the fullness of the divine promise.


By Bernard

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